Sunday, August 20, 2006

out of a sudden i decided to go to friendster after so many months of not visiting it.
and then i found this testimonial given to me by a person who means so much to me.
and im gonna publish it here because its the most beautiful thing she has ever said to me.

MANPIN Posted 12/8/2006
i'm not trying to be disgusting or gross and this will be the first and last time to let you see this side of me. hahaha.

i love you, girl.
and yes, for everything that you have done and the times when you speak to me over the phone whenever i'm high, down or whatsoever shit.
this is going to sound wrong but you are always there when i needed you, as in, you know, when i needed someone to talk to, to cry to, to rant to.
funny as it seems, we are not the bestest of friends because we have our own hmmm, best friends. haha.
however, putting those aside, i will definitely say that you're like my 2nd best friend lah. hahaha, honoured ? for sure, you are.

all right, mushy stuff aside.
i know you love recieving my messages and you'll always anticipate for more yeah ? AHAHA, this part is fucked up but who cares a shit !

with much love,
your one & only bullshit partner.


at that point of time i couldnt do anything except try to not cry,
and i just kept re-reading the testimonial over and over again.

when i saw the "i'm not trying to be disgusting or gross and this will be the first and last time to let you see this side of me. hahaha."
i was thinking to myself,
"aiya this girl, which side of her have i never seen before?"

and then i read on and i saw "i love you, girl." and the rest of the mushy things that follows,
i just choked,
on both saliva and tears

and then i thought to myself again,
"THIS is the one and only side of manpin that she has never shown to me before."

and somehow at that point of time,
everything we've been through since sec three started flashing through my mind.

the times when i added her on msn messenger and so we started talking on,
and then at the end of sec two we realise we got into the same class and so we're like "okay at least we have each other" and so we sat together, starting talking, and the next thing you know we started going recess together.

and as days go on and on,
we got closer,
and we eventually confided in each other about the problems we face.

somehow we both just could relate to one another,
and we'd listen, we'll cry, we'll laugh and we'll curse.

the times where we'll just sit down and talk,
or the times where we'll talk about our problems until we cry,
or the times where we'll just plain laugh our days away.
and not forgetting the times we sit down together and just get angry and curse at the irritants that we dislike.

and of cos ill never forget the times i tried to give her a hug and she's like "eww don't be so lesbiany"
and the times when i tell her "i love you friend"
and she's like "wah you're damn mushy / lesbiany / smth along the same lines"

and all these little little things that slowly bond us closer together just flash past my mind as i read through that testimonial over and over again.

and i only have just one thing to say,
something that once i say i'll never ever take it back again.

my dearest bullshit partner manpin,
thank you for all the times you put up with all my shit,
the times you listen through my problems although it seems as though its never-ending,
the times you stood up for me and stand by my side when shit friends do shit things to me,
the times you gave me advices when i needed them,
the times you scolded me because i refuse to eat,
the times we talk on the phone like there's everything in the world to talk about,
the times we cried together,
the times we scream and curse together,
the times we laughed as though we couldnt laugh anymore,
and the many many times we spent together.

and i give you my word that i'll be there for you until the end of time.

i love you,
always did and still do.


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